Tips And Trick For Beginners

Serena Williams has made Tennis news the talk of the town thanks to her remarkable return to the court just months after giving birth to her baby girl. She has inspired boys and girls all over the planet to take up the sport. To help these beginners improve their game, we bring some tips and tricks.
- The tools you use can make a drastic difference. The rule applies to tennis too. Thus, the racket you use should be the right gear. For an adult a 26” or a 27” racket is perfect. The grip size of the racket should be equal to the size of the ring finger. To measure, hold your palm out straight and use a ruler to gauge the distance from the tip of the ring finger to the crease of the finger. It is generally four inches.
When buying a racket for a beginner or a child do not blindly opt for the cheapest option. It should match the body and grip size of the person. If the strings break, do not throw away an expensive racket. Get it restrung and adjusted to the tension that suits you. Besides the racket, the shoes are an essential part of tennis gear. Running or soccer shoes are not the correct option. The bases of tennis shoes have a herringbone pattern to make side to side movement easier.
- Constant practice is the only accurate way to improve your game. Always keep an objective in mind while practising. For example, one session will be about learning sharper volleys, and another would be about increasing the power of the forehand. Work on each objective until it is mastered. A better method of learning is to practice with a player who is more experienced. When you play with a better player, one has to remain defensive for the entire game. You try to get the ball back in each play. This will show an enhancement in your technique. You will learn to score in any manner possible.
- For people who are serious about the game, the best method for progress is taking lessons. Find a club near your area, look for a player or a coach who ready to teach. Learning on your own tends to give players bad habits, a coach or players of similar standard will help you walk the right path.
- Another trick to learning great tennis is to watch a recording of professionals. Record any of the well-known games of the past and then watch them in slow motion to see how advanced players make every movement. They will give you an insight into the ways of champions and then you can use these tips to improve your play. Most professional like Roger Federer and Venus Williams watch recordings of other players to know their opponents better.
These are simple tips and tricks. Incorporating even one of them will show a significant improvement in any beginner or average player. Using all of them will drastically change your game for the better.